2011년 12월 8일 목요일

Evening with Mr. Callaway

As I recall the night of December 1, 2011, Tom Callaway visited the school. Unfortunately, due to massive absorbtion of pizzas and wings that I had before the presentation, I wasn't able to keep myself awake throughout the whole presentation. Yes, it's a shame that I fell asleep and missed some of his presentation. HOWEVER, thanks to my camcoder and a good friend Anthony Hajec, I was able to retrace his presentation #smile

As all may know, it "takes more than working code for success in FOSS project."

Mr. Callaway introduces his rubrics for evaluating an FOSS project, and it was very interesting!

As he went through his presentation slides, the emphasis between his lines was simple, BE RESPONSIBLE.
If one decides to dive him/herself on FOSS project, he/she should take a responsiblity and build a code that actually works! He kindly mentioned that it's OPEN source community after all, use of the community shall be carried respectfully. His examples given was sufficient for me to realize that we do live in a world where we can reach people instantly through internet such that the resource is sufficient that I should also participate with modesty to support that resource. For instance, he gives +50 points on failing a project, if a source is built from his/her own build tools. I see that in order to this to work, it should go other way around that he/she should first be ackowledge his/her own build tools first from others to use this or else it won't be acceptible to others at all.

It is also important to keep people updated with progress. A frequent communication is very important during developing a project, especially for legal issues. Unlike old days, now there are a lot of people indulging themselves onto this industry, and there's even corporations as well. It is important to set a boundary with legal issues.

All in all, his presentation was very enjoyable. His examples from his past experiences and explaination on each one of his rubrics were very well explained and humorous. The night was very successful for me, I believe. It was another great motivation to see where I'm standing and where and how I should indulge myself.

Thank you, Mr. Callaway, and Dr. Ellis for such opportunity and the pizzas & cookies!

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